Aspire Logistic Solutions

Group Carrier Overview

NYB Ventures Group INC Carrier Guide

NYB Ventures Group Inc


Our owner ops are not just truckers. They are Small Business Owners looking to grow and scale their companies, as such we see them as partners.

When you decide to partner with us, we lay out a Carrier Guide to help you streamline your path to success. Our Carrier Guide includes action items for present and your future.

Not only do you take a larger percentage home, but our average Owner Op makes between $5400 – $9000 per week! We have all types of loads available from Power only, Dry van, Reefer, and Flatbed.

In addition to our carrier guide, you will also have the opportunity to have one on one FREE mentorship sessions with higher-ups in the company who will share their tips on how to grow your trucking business.

NYB Ventures Group Inc


23 years old or older
2 years experience minimum
Drug/Alcohol test
Physical damage coverage
Medical Card
Clean MVR
NYB Ventures Group Inc



Insurance is deducted and determined based on the equipment.


We give you 80%of every load. That means we only take 20%.


Dispatch Services is only $325 per week.


Factoring is 3%

Safety Precautions

The safety of our employees, the general public and NYB Ventures Group Inc operations is paramount.

NYB Ventures Group Inc intends to comply with all safety laws and ordinances and requires all employees and contractors to do likewise.

We expect all drivers to preserve our reputation for the following including but not limited to:


  1. All Bol’s must be picked up along with your load! It is illegal to carry a load without a Bol.
  2. All Bols must be signed immediately after your load is delivered. If there is no Bol, please let your dispatcher know before you leave the facility!
  3. All original Bols must be mailed in weekly. If there is a weigh station on the premises, please have your load weighed to ensure you are below the legal weight limits.
  4. Pick up and drop times are listed on the rate con, do not deviate from those times.
  5. Ensure READ your rate confirmations. There is pertinent information listed for a reason!
  6. If for any reason you are late or have an issue, please let dispatch know in advance.
  7. Please conduct yourself professionally at all times.


Once you complete this form, you are acknowledging that you will commit your truck for at minimum 60 days. Drug/Alcohol must be complete prior to any loads given.

All equipment’s, ELD, fuel cards, etc. must be returned immediately upon termination. All units must have tags, bobtail insurance is mandatory.

PROBATIONARY PERIOD – Trial period NO late deliveries or incidents due to your own fault. Once 90 days has been completed you will have access to a FREE PDF guide on how to acquire business credit so you may purchase additional trucks and expand your business.